Winter Chill...
Sharing is Caring
(Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010, 8:44 am)
So today was something new for me and hubby.

He asked me yesterday for my bank account information because he wanted to start managing my money, better than what I have been doing for the almost 2 years we have been together.

And it was cool because I gave it to him without any hesitation at all.

And promptly when I gave it to him he called me and was like "WHY DID YOU SPEND ALL THAT MONEY!!!" Hahaha!

Yesterday we had to take the dog to get some shots. Mike has been slacking when it comes to taking that mutt to get his booster and de-worming shots. So we met his friend in the parking lot of Sams and did the shots. It was a GORGEOUS day - so I took the baby out and she was absolutely loving it! She kept trying to grab the dog to make him be still when we gave him his shots.

I was going to take Mike to a tattoo shop out in Alexandria so he could get his next tattoo. But right as we were getting ready to leave, I remembered that they won't let baby's inside, so we stayed home. I was sleepy so I took le bebe back into the bed with me and we were PASSED OUT until about 6pm. I love that little girl. Mike came back at some point and we were all back there sleep - yay!

Oh also....while we were waiting for the guy to show up in the parking lot at Sams, I gave Mike a little mini-service. Again, my hormones are raging - and we had time to ya know...I practiced! Lol.

October Randomness - Monday, Nov. 01, 2010
week 14 - Monday, Oct. 04, 2010
13 Weeks with Baby Dracula - Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010
My Goodbye's - Friday, Feb. 05, 2010
Pissed Off - Literally - Thursday January 28
I'm a brand new mom of a gorgeous little girl, Kennedy and a happy soon-to-be-wife!.
These are my journeys, the ups and downs....
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