Winter Chill...
13 Weeks with Baby Dracula
(Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010, 11:43 am)
First....Michael and I got married Saturday. It was a gorgeous wedding. But I'll wait until I have all the pictures to do a full update on that...


I am 13 weeks now. This baby, seriously, is kickin my butt. With Kennedy I remember being super SUPER tired, but that was really it. Plus since I didn't have kids I was able to take a large glass of water to bed with me and sleep for 13-18 hours.

Not this time! Kennedy has actually been fairly good with me not being in the living room/play area with her when she gets home. She is starting to crave her "daddy" time more and more. Like to the point when I was walking down the isle she was saying "Da-da...Da-da...Da-deee". I thought it was cute. Now don't get me tiny half pint is still heavily attached to me. She loves her momma more than anything. But she is starting to be attahed to Daddy too, which I love.

But this baby...we'll we've nicknamed him/her (hopefully him) Baby Dracula. And BabyDracula kicks my butt on a daily basis badly. That's one reason why we think it's a Boy this time. I was no where near as sick with K. I didn't vomit all the time, I wasn't on PERMANENT morning sickness...none of that. Baby Dracula is giving me a run for my money!!

Anyhow....I'm about to take Baby Dracula to Boston Market...maybe some chicken and spinish will calm him down!

October Randomness - Monday, Nov. 01, 2010
week 14 - Monday, Oct. 04, 2010
13 Weeks with Baby Dracula - Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010
My Goodbye's - Friday, Feb. 05, 2010
Pissed Off - Literally - Thursday January 28
I'm a brand new mom of a gorgeous little girl, Kennedy and a happy soon-to-be-wife!.
These are my journeys, the ups and downs....
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